Jane Polden
Counselling and Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy #01

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy offers a safe, reliable and confidential setting. It provides a relationship in which you can explore difficulties and their links with early experience, which can be outside conscious awareness, discover more appropriate ways of coping and bring about desired changes in your thinking, feeling and behaviour.

Through the security offered by the developing relationship with your therapist, you can re-experience relationships from early life and explore and establish new ways of relating that are no longer compromised by the habits that previously caused distress.

Psychotherapy may be shorter term (once a week up to about six months) or longer. Occasionally, short term fixed-session therapy may be offered. As a general rule, longer term work is helpful where problems are more deep-seated and have their roots in patterns laid down in early life. It is usually once a week, or more frequently when it is agreed that this might be helpful.

The sessions offered will be regular and frequent enough to provide support and continuity and enable working at depth, so as to facilitate lasting change.

How Individual Therapy Works
I offer an initial assessment session which lasts up to one and a half hours and costs £70. This is an opportunity for me to get a sense of whether what I have to offer is likely to be helpful to you and, just as importantly, for you to get an idea of what therapy feels like and what you might gain from it, to have any questions answered, and to get a sense of whether I feel like the right person to help you.

Subsequent sessions last for 50 minutes and usually cost £63.

Individual psychotherapy is confidential.

I am sorry that I have no vacancies at the moment. My waiting list is also now full, and so temporarily closed

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